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Statewide Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Elimination and Abatement

men looking at landscape plansA Program through the Department of Environmental Conservation:

The Agency of Natural Resources’ Combined Sewer Overflow and Abatement program is designed to help municipalities fast-track combined sewer overflow (CSO) elimination projects, allowing these projects to progress on a faster schedule and with more affordability to the ratepayers. CSOs are overflow points in combined sewer systems that are designed to carry both stormwater and wastewater. Sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) are overflow points in sewer systems not designed to carry stormwater but suffer from high rates of inflow and infiltration that result in overflows during large storm events. Both CSOs and SSOs are eligible for this funding. While this program has passed, municipalities are encouraged to apply for financial support should additional funding become available.

Point of Contact: William Wilson

Website link:  Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Elimination and Abatement | Agency of Natural Resources (