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Grant Information and Support

The Agency of Administration Bulletin 5 outlines the State of Vermont’s policy for grant issuance and monitoring, effective July 1, 2024. This Bulletin supersedes previous guidance and is crucial for state agencies and departments as they manage grants to external organizations.

Key items include:

  1. Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance (GFFA): The bulletin incorporates GFFA Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. GFFA went into effective October 1, 2024.
  2. Internal Procedures: These procedures outline process for several items in Bulletin 5.
  3. Audit Requirements: The audit requirements of the GFFA are applicable for the State of Vermont starting with the single audit for Fiscal Year 2025.
  4. Granting Plans: Resources are provided to ensure agencies and departments issuing state and/or federal funding have a plan that provides consistent and equitable funding opportunities.  
  5. Resources: This section provides resources to assist agencies and departments with their granting efforts.
  6. VISION Support: Information on how to work with Grants in VISION, the State’s financial system.

Administrative Bulletin 5