Through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the State of Vermont was issued over $1 billion in State Fiscal Recovery Funds (SFRF) to help the State recover from the pandemic. These funds are being used to provide historic investments throughout Vermont, with many SFR-funded programs already up and running.
This page will outline upcoming programs available to Vermont businesses and nonprofits to support economic recovery efforts.
ARPA funds have been leveraged by Vermont businesses and nonprofits to promote economic recovery from impacts experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The programs listed below represent a number of Vermont’s ARPA-funded programs that target support to businesses and nonprofits. This list is non-exhaustive and further information about additional funding opportunities can be found on agency/department websites. This list will be updated periodically, but please refer to agency websites for the most up-to-date programmatic information.
Housing and Community-Based Facilities Service Expansion
- Agency of Human Services, Department of Mental Health
- This program makes existing housing and community-based facilities providing mental health and developmental services more accessible, safe, and compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and expands capacity in community settings to serve more individuals who have mental health and/or developmental disability needs.
- 802-241-0090
Vermont Housing Improvement Program (VHIP)
- Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Department of Housing and Community Development
- The Vermont Housing Improvement Program (VHIP) offers grants up to $50,000 per unit for repairs needed to bring vacant rental units up to Vermont Rental Housing Health Code guidelines, add new units to an existing building, or create an accessory dwelling unit on an owner-occupied property.
- RuralEdge - Caledonia, Essex, and Orleans Counties
- rentalrehab@ruraledge.org
- 802-535-3555 (ask for the Homeownership Center)
- RuralEdge Vermont Housing Improvement Program (VHIP)
- Champlain Housing Trust - Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle Counties
- NeighborWorks of Western Vermont - Addison, Bennington, and Rutland Counties
- Downstreet Housing & Community Development - Lamoille, Orange, and Washington Counties
- 802-476-4493
- 877-320-0663
- Fax: 802-479-0120
- Downstreet Housing & Community Development Vermont Housing Improvement Program (VHIP)
- Windham & Windsor Housing Trust – Windham, and Windsor Counties
Missing Middle-Income Homeownership Development Program
- Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Department of Housing and Community Development - Vermont Housing Finance Agency
- This program provides subsidies for new construction or acquisition and substantial rehabilitation of affordable owner-occupied housing for purchase by income-eligible homebuyers. Eligible applicants include builders and developers responsible for the creation of the proposed housing units. Priority is given to projects that propose deeper affordability and longer duration of affordability requirements.
- developmentdept@vhfa.org
- 802-864-5743
Community Recovery and Revitalization Program
- Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Department of Economic Development
- The Community Recovery and Revitalization Program provides funding for projects that help businesses and communities recover from the negative impacts of the pandemic and allow them to weather future disruptions.
- ACCD.CRRP@vermont.gov
BIPOC Business and Workforce Development Program
- Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Department of Economic Development
- The BIPOC Business and Workforce Development Program provides outreach, support, training, technical assistance, networking, and resource navigation for black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) business owners and workforce who were disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
- TheFam@vtpoc.net
- 802-391-9988
- Vermont Professionals of Color Network
Dairy Risk Management Program
- Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets
- The Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets is using SFR funds for the Dairy Risk Management Assistance Program to assist Vermont dairy cow farms that participate in the USDA Dairy Margin Coverage program (DMC). The program will reimburse premium payments of Vermont milk producers who are covered by the DMC’s Tier 1 coverage level.
- AGR.Helpdesk@vermont.gov
- 802-828-5667
Short Term Forgivable Loan Program
- Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Department of Economic Development - Vermont Economic Development Authority
- Through this program, SFR funds are used to provide short-term forgivable loans to eligible Vermont for-profit and nonprofit businesses experiencing continued working capital shortfalls as a result of the COVID-19 public health emergency.
- flp@veda.org
- 802-828-5627
- Program is no longer accepting applications.
Economic Recovery Bridge Program
- Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Department of Economic Development
- The Economic Recovery Bridge Program provides relief and bridges financial gaps for Vermont businesses (for-profit or non-profit) who suffered a net tax loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The program specifically targets industries most heavily impacted by COVID-19.
- Program is closed and no longer accepting applications.