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State Fiscal Recovery Funds






August 23, 2022:                         Memo regarding Update to Administrative Expenses 

This memo outlines updates to the intended use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for the statewide costs of administering the ARPA funds. 

October 1, 2021:                          Bulletins 5 and 3.5 ARPA State Fiscal Recovery Funds Solicitation Requirements - Addendum 

Provides guidance for the creation of solicitation documents when awarding American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding. 

June 9, 2021:                                Memo regarding State Fiscal Recovery Fund Review and Approval Process 

Provides a description of the State Fiscal Recovery (SFR) questionnaire submission process, which is required for any agency/department establishing an SFR-funded program. 

July 19, 2021:                               Memo regarding Administrative Expenses 

This memo outlines the intended use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for the statewide costs of administering the ARPA funds. 



DOCUMENT:              ARPA-SLFRF Obligation Webinar - 09.04.2024

This is a copy of the presentation from the ARPA-SLFRF Obligation Webinar on 09.04.2024. The information presented in this webinar covers many obligation topics and processes for future State and Local Fiscal Recovery (SLFRF) reporting.

REPORT:              2024 Vermont SFRF Recovery Plan Performance Report

A detailed annual report that lays out Vermont's uses of State Fiscal Recovery Funds for the 2024 fiscal year. 

REPORT:              2023 Vermont SFRF Capital Projects Fund Performance Report

A detailed annual report that lays out Vermont's uses of State Fiscal Recovery Capital Projects Funds for the 2023 fiscal year. 

REPORT:              2023 Vermont SFRF Recovery Plan Performance Report

A detailed annual report that lays out Vermont's uses of State Fiscal Recovery Funds for the 2023 fiscal year. 

DOCUMENT:   Vermont Community Index - User Guide

DOCUMENT:   Vermont Communities Index - Technical Documentation

SPREADSHEET:   Vermont Communities Index - Results Workbook

 The Agency of Administration in coordination with Guidehouse Consulting created the Vermont Community Index (VCI) to evaluate the technical need of municipalities within the state.

DOCUMENT:              Vermont ARPA State Fiscal Recovery Funds Municipal Programs

Outlines the different State Fiscal Recovery Fund (SFR) programs that are available for municipalities to apply to/benefit from. 

REPORT:                    2022 Vermont SFRF Recovery Plan Performance Report 

A detailed annual report that lays out Vermont's uses of State Fiscal Recovery Funds for the 2022 fiscal year. 

DOCUMENT:              SFR Process and Policy Guidance v8

This document details the process and policies associated with obtaining and managing State Fiscal Recovery (SFR) funds. 

DOCUMENT:              SFR Federal Fund Requirements v2

This document outlines the different federal requirements that may apply to Vermont State Fiscal Recovery Fund (SFR) programs/projects. 

DOCUMENT:              SFR Case Report - Household Income v3

This document outlines income thresholds for target beneficiaries of State Fiscal Recovery Fund (SFR) programs. 

DOCUMENT:             SLFRF Payroll Guidance v2

This document outlines the processes by which State Fiscal Recovery (SFR) funds are released to Vermont agencies/departments for use in individual programs. 

MAP and GUIDE:     SFR Process Map Outline v7.1

This document outlines the processes by which State Fiscal Recovery (SFR) funds are released to Vermont agencies/departments for use in individual programs. 

REPORT:                  2021 Vermont SFRF Recovery Plan Performance Report 

This document from 2021 outlines Vermont's intended use of State Fiscal Recovery (SFR) funds, lists Vermont's SFR-funded project inventory, and provides a performance report that evaluates Vermont's efforts. 



WORKSHEET:           Payroll Replacement Questionnaire v1

This questionnaire intends to gather information from Vermont agencies/departments that seek to use some or all their State Fiscal Recovery (SFR) appropriations towards paying salaries and covered benefits for public sector staff hired since March 3, 2021.

WORKSHEET:           Federal Subrecipient Risk Assessment Tool v3

This is a tool which agencies may use as part of their required pre-award risk assessment process for programs with subrecipients. This tool builds on the State’s existing Sample Risk Assessment Tool and Sample Monitoring Assessment Matrix with additional questions designed to help agencies identify potential risks for noncompliance with Uniform Guidance.

WORKSHEET:           Federal Subrecipient Risk Checklist v1

This is a tool to be distributed to subrecipients to complete as a document checklist and self-assessment before conducting the pre-award risk assessment. Should be used to alongside the pre-award risk assessment.

WORKSHEET:           Federal Award Classification Checklist v5

This compulsory document assists Vermont agencies and departments in determining whether the COVID-19 relief funding that the State provides to entities or individuals can be categorized as subrecipient, contractor, or beneficiary payments. 

WORKSHEET:           State Fiscal Recovery Program Assurances v5

Vermont agencies and departments that are instituting SFR-funded grant/beneficiary program are required to include this list of assurances in their SFR program applications and/or awards. 

WORKSHEET:           Policy Impact Assessment 

This policy impact assessment can be used by entities instituting a federally funded program to explain and examine the program's theory of change, impact on marginalized groups, and alignment with Vermont's overarching goals. 

WORKSHEET:          State Fiscal Recovery Questionnaire v6

This questionnaire is intended to gather information from Vermont agencies/departments with SFR appropriations or excess receipts spending authority for COVID-19 response and recovery. This questionnaire is compulsory for all entities implementing SFR-funded programs. 

WORKSHEET:          Noncompetitive Procurement Justification Form

This optional form is intended to collect information and supporting documentation from State Fiscal Recovery (SFR) subrecipients to authorize noncompetitive procurement, where appropriate. The use of the form does not override any existing forms, policies, or procedures that state agencies and departments follow. 

WORKSHEET:          FFP Approval Request v1

Vermont agencies/departments that plan to institute a State Fiscal Recovery (SFR)-funded program that requires FFP review must fill out and submit this form. 



TEMPLATE:              State Fiscal Recovery Interagency Agreement Template

This form is used to obligate State Fiscal Recovery (SFR) funds to other State of Vermont agencies or departments.

(Expired) TEMPLATE:               State Fiscal Recovery Comment Template

Treasury is no longer accepting questions about the interim final rule. 

TEMPLATE:              FFP Supplemental Project Approval Request v1

This form is used to report additions or deletions of location-based State Fiscal Recovery (SFR)-funded projects after a program has received initial approval. 

TEMPLATE:              FFP Project List Template

This spreadsheet serves as a template for State Fiscal Recovery (SFR)-funded programs that plan to detail changes to location-based projects. 

TEMPLATE:               Beneficiary Notice of Payment v1

This spreadsheet serves as a template for State Fiscal Recovery (SFR)-funded programs that plan to detail changes to location-based projects.