Through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the State of Vermont was issued over $1 billion in State Fiscal Recovery Funds (SFRF) to help the state recover from the pandemic. These funds are being used to provide historic investments throughout the State, with many SFR-funded programs already up and running. This page outlines current or upcoming programs available to individuals. In response to impacts of the pandemic felt at the individual and household level, ARPA funding has been made available to individual Vermont taxpayers to support economic recovery efforts.
This page will outline upcoming programs available to individual Vermont taxpayers to support economic recovery efforts.
The programs listed below represent a number of Vermont’s ARPA-funded programs that target support to individuals. This funding not only addresses the state’s housing need but also promotes efficiency and complements Vermont’s focus on climate change mitigation efforts. This list is non-exhaustive and further information about additional funding opportunities can be found on agency/department websites. This list will be updated periodically, but please refer to agency websites for the most up-to-date programmatic information.
Manufactured Home Improvement and Repair Program
- Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Department of Housing and Community Development
- Vermont State Housing Authority
- The Manufactured Home Improvement and Repair Program assists income-eligible mobile home parks and current and prospective mobile homeowners with small-scale capital needs, repair for existing homes, and preparation for new homes.
- mhirprogram@vsha.org
- 802-828-2040
Home Electrical and Heat Pump Program
- Department of Public Service
- This program supports home electrical upgrades and establishes a “Switch and Save” program. The home electrical upgrade program will provide financial and technical assistance to income-eligible households to enable the installation of energy saving technologies. The “Switch and Save” program will provide financial and technical assistance to low- and moderate-income households to install heat pump water heaters.
- 802-828-2811
- Home | Department of Public Service (vermont.gov)
Home Weatherization Program
- Agency of Human Services, Department for Children and Families
- Through the Home Weatherization Assistance Program provides grants to weatherization assistance providers to weatherize single-family homes owned or occupied by Vermonters with incomes below 80% AMI and multifamily properties where the owner or a portion of the units have incomes below 80% AMI.
Efficiency Vermont Weatherization Incentive Program
- Department of Public Service
- Through this program, the Department of Public Service will grant SFR funds to the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation for three Efficiency Vermont weatherization initiatives that support low and moderate-income households.
- 802-828-2811
- Home | Department of Public Service (vermont.gov)