Through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the State of Vermont was issued over $1 billion in State Fiscal Recovery Funds (SFRF) and over $110M from the Capital Projects Fund (CPF) to help the state recover from the pandemic. These funds are being used to provide historic investments throughout the State, with many SFR-funded programs already up and running. This page outlines current or upcoming programs available to Vermont municipalities or targeted toward Vermont communities. More programs will continue to be made available.
At the bottom of the page, we have included a PDF version of this information for download.
Municipal Technical Assistance
In April 2023 the state legislature passed H.145 which included an appropriation of funds to provide expanded technical and administrative assistance to municipalities with high need that may be eligible for state or federal funding. Please see the program page for details.
Grants to Schools
School Heating Assistance with Renewables and Efficiency Program
Three-Acre Stormwater Management School Support
Grants for Water, Drainage and Septic Projects
Pollution Control Grants for Clean Water Infrastructure
Pretreatment Capacity Program
Statewide Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Elimination and Abatement
Village Water and Wastewater Initiative
Healthy Homes Program - Grants for Water, Sewer, Stormwater, and Drainage
Healthy Homes Program –Assistance for Low Income Vermonters with Failing Septic Systems and Wells
Small Rural Water and Sewer Infrastructure Risk of Failure Program
Three-Acre Stormwater Management – Public Private Partnership Grants
Three-Acre Stormwater Management Municipal/Private Landowners Program
Community Resilience – Flood Resilient Communities Fund Program
Grants for Development Projects
Brownfield Recovery Program
Housing Recovery Program
Community Recovery and Revitalization Program
- Libraries Capital Project
Grants for Broadband Projects
Grants for Energy Projects
Municipal Energy Resilience Assessments
- EV Charging Program
- Agency of Transportation
- https://vtrans.vermont.gov/about-us/contact
- 802-917-2458