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The Construction/Development In-Process Form (CAFR-4) is due July 15, 2017.  This form is found on the CAFR Forms page.

Contact with questions.

Last day to enter FY 2017 ACCRL/ADJ Ledger period 998 transactions.  Accounts Receivable forms (CAFR-1) and Proprietary Funds financial statement reporting packages are  due in Finance.  For more detailed information and specific requirements for all VISION transactions, please see the Year End Closing Instructions that can be found on the VISION Closing Instructions page of the Finance & Management website.

FY 2017 Schedule of Expenditure of Federal Award (SEFA) Form (CAFR-9) is due in Finance.  For more detailed information and specific requirements for all VISION transactions, please see the Year End Closing Instructions that can be found on the VISION Closing Instructions page of the Finance & Management website.   This form is found on the CAFR Forms page.

Contact with questions.

FY 2017 Receipt Confirmation Forms are due in Budget and Management Office.  For more detailed information and specific requirements for all VISION transactions, please see the Year End Closing Instructions that can be found on the VISION Closing Instructions page of the Finance & Management website.

FY 2017 Petty Cash Verification Forms are due in Finance.  For more detailed information and specific requirements for all VISION transactions, please see the Year End Closing Instructions that can be found on the VISION Closing Instructions page of the Finance & Management website.

Listings of payables and receivables for all Agency Funds with a cash balances not equal to zero are due in Finance.  For more detailed information and specific requirements for all VISION transactions, please see the Year End Closing Instructions that can be found on the VISION Closing Instructions page of the Finance & Management website.

All FY 2017 journal entries to ACCRL/ADJ Ledger for Construction/Development in Process activity from April 16, 2017 through June 30, 2017 must be completed and Construction/Development in Process Forms (CAFR-4) are due in Finance.  For more detailed information and specific requirements for all VISION transactions, please see the Year End Closing Instructions that can be found on the VISION Closing Instructions page of the Finance & Management website.

Last day to contact Financial Operations with all HR Journal corrections for the August 17, 2017 pay date.  Per the Month End Closing Instructions, departments MUST contact Financial Operations with all HR journal corrections within five working days after the paydate. Financial Operations will correct the errors, budget check and post the journal entries.

All VISION transactions (except the two listed below) must be completed by 4:00pm.    For more detailed information and specific requirements for all VISION transactions, please see the Year End Closing Instructions that can be found on the VISION Closing Instructions page of the Finance & Management website.

  • All Cash Advances needed for travel on July 1 must be approved for payment no later than 7:45am.
  • All FY 2017 Deposits must be entered by 5:00pm for any cash receipts processed at the bank by 4:00pm.

Authorized Agent(s) for VISION System Operator Access Request Form are due in Finance.

Authorized Agent(s) for VISION Chartfield Requests are due in Finance.

The Identification of Confidential Expenses Forms are due (if applicable) in Finance.


FY 2017 demand driven spending authority requests, FY 2017 special fund spending authority transfer requests, and June 30 contact information are due in Finance.  For more detailed information, please see the Year End Closing Instructions that can be found on the VISION Closing Instructions page of the Finance & Management website.